The Rhino Run

An immersive bikepacking expedition with a charitable focus.

Solo | Unsupported | 2,750 km | 27,000+ vm

Plettenberg Bay, South Africa – Windhoek, Namibia 

The Rhino Run is an immersive bikepacking expedition with a charitable focus. 

Starting at 6:22 am, on Wednesday 18th October 2023, riders will depart Plettenberg Bay and begin their Rhino Run adventure. The clock does not stop. Riding solo and unsupported riders will explore South Africa’s Western and Northern Cape regions, then cross the border into Namibia, finishing at the capital, Windhoek. Riders will be responsible sourcing their own food, water, shelter and any other services along the way, all which must be publically accessible.

The Rhino Run is a kaleidoscope of beautiful views, brutal climbs, epic switchbacks, and mind-numbingly straight roads that disappear into the horizon. Nowhere in the world will you experience sunsets like those in Africa.

You choose what distance you ride. Challenge yourself with the full course and experience all this incredible route has to offer, or select the entree route for those who may be just getting into bikepacking racing, or have less time to travel.
All riders will depart at the same time.

In 2023 The Rhino Run won’t have an entry fee; however, riders will be required to donate to the Masaka Cycling Club Foundation in Uganda. The donation will help cover the costs for Masaka Cycling Club riders to get to the start line of the Rhino Run. Any extra funds will be put into the MCC foundation to support more members and improve the team clubhouse in Masaka.

The Rhino Run

Don't Look Back: The Rhino Run Story (Vimeo on Demand) -

The Rhino Run


The Rhino Run

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