Gravel Locos

Gravel Locos Hico returns  with four-course options through the heart of Texas heartland in Hico, TX (70 miles Northwest of Waco).  Routes range from 34 to 157 miles and up to 7,000 feet of elevation gain. The first course is non-timed and non-competitive, whereas the longer three options are competitive. All courses start and finish at Mustang Hill RV Park & Wild Horse Arena Venue, are primarily gravel, include grades that reach 20%, and uniquely include several water crossings.  Gravel Locos Hico is also noteworthy for the number of celebrity adventure racers, including Peter Stetina, Ted King, Laurens ten Dam, and many others.  You can expect over 1,000 participants in what has become a popular Texas event.

GL30 La Pequena is the shortest and the only non-competitive route. It is a total of 34 miles and 1,400 feet of elevation gain. Whether you’re a gravel event newbie itching for an exhilarating experience or someone simply looking to soak up the festive vibes of Gravel Locos, this is the perfect route for you. Picture this: at mile 17, the ultimate pit stop awaits—a dazzling oasis of salsa dancing, sizzling Cuban hot dogs, Cuban coffee, and mojitos. With these epic goodies fueling your spirit, you’ll be more than ready to conquer the next thrilling 17-mile stretch to the glorious finish line which includes a North Bosque River crossing.

GL60 La Mediana Get ready for an epic adventure on the La Mediana route, stretching out to a thrilling 62 miles with 2,700 ft of climbing. But fear not, fellow adventurers, for we’ve got you covered with plenty of pit stops along the way. Picture this: at mile 14, the legendary Tommy’s gas station awaits, ready to refuel your energy reserves if needed. Three miles later, prepare to conquer Loco Hill, where the first official aid station perches at mile 17. At mile 45, the second aid station awaits with a mouthwatering extravaganza—Cuban hot dogs, coffee, mojitos and salsa dancing! The North Bosque River crossing takes place at mile 48. This is a timed and competitive route.

GL100 La Gran Piedra is a timed and competitive course that covers 112 miles with 5,000 feet of elevation gain. This course includes the water crossings of GL30 and GL60 but then adds the three hills of this area known as “3 Bs,” including “Loco Hill.” Four aid stations along the course will help you survive these climbs.

GL150 La Loca is the longest and most challenging of the courses, and as its namesake suggests, one you need to be a little crazy to ride. Cyclists travel 157 miles and gain 7,000 feet of elevation- prepare to learn that Texas is not a flat state. There are four or more aid stations to keep you hydrated and fueled as you ride. Starting at mile 14, the first store stop awaits at Tommy’s gas station. Shortly after, at mile 17, the first official aid station is perched atop Loco Hill, ready to provide assistance. Prepare yourself for “the 3B’s” starting at mile 49 and at mile 55, replenish your energy at the second official aid station. Watch out for the slippery Meridian Creek crossing at mile 74. Recharge once again at mile 91 with another Tommy’s gas station. The third official aid station awaits at mile 101, offering essential supplies for the next 39-mile ride. Finally, at mile 140, indulge in Cuban hot dogs, mojitos and coffee at the fourth official aid station to power you towards the finish line.

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