
UNSUPPORTED ULTRACYCLING GRAVEL ON THE EDGE OF EUROPE The wildest bikepacking off-road challenge on Europe: 800km +16.000m across the only official deserts in Europe, the wild coast of Cabo de Gata and the highest Col in the continent, Pico Veleta...
  • June 2, 2023
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With a truly spectacular event course, unique housing and live music to meet like-minded gravel grinders from all over Europe! A spectacular track in the desert of Gorafe with more than 90% on perfect gravel roads and stunning views! You...
  • May 10, 2023
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The unsupported and one-stage road cycling challenge across the Iberian Peninsula. Transibérica is a Free Route event, what means the riders must design and follow their own plan to reach the mandatory Checkpoints, designed to reach some of the most...
  • March 14, 2023
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