Black Forrest Bikepacking Together

Blackforest Bikepacking GetTogether

What about bikepacking and the Black Forest, combined with a get-together space?

I’ve had this one dream for years: to bring people together in a special place to share my enthusiasm for nature, cycling, bikepacking and the Black Forest with them.

So what could be more obvious here to create exactly such a get-together in 2023?

So many routes, so many highlights, views, solitude and cakes to ride to be discovered and enjoyed here in the Black Forest. Incredibly clear, quiet nights, rushing streams, mysterious lakes and endless mountains to climb and scale. So many kinds of hearts that I like to share. So many heart memories to reforge.

And this one – preferably with you!

That’s why there will be a very special kind of Black Forest Bikepacking GetTogether in May 2023.

The concept:

Go out alone and still be in the best of company. Being able to dare alone and still not be completely lonely. Getting to know the Black Forest on your own – on tried and tested tracks that I love so much – and in the evening being able to marvel at all the experiences of the day together. Have several routes to choose from and be free to decide where you want to go.

The place:

We spend a weekend together at an official campsite in the northern Black Forest. Located at almost 900 meters, this site not only offers us a beautiful plateau and plenty of space to pitch tents and hammocks together as a group, but also find sanitary facilities in cozy huts and an outdoor kitchen with the possibility of a campfire. Food and drink will be provided (see below).

The planning:

As a participant, you will receive various tracks from me for your arrival on Friday, May 12th, 2023, so that you can get to the meeting point from 2 variable starting points. For our day together, there are a variety of tracks that you can choose from: what do you want to discover, how many mountains do you want to climb, how many delicious cakes do you want to eat, how many views do you want or maybe you want to jump into the cold mountain lake? For your return journey on Sunday you get the tracks again – you choose what suits you best!

your freedom:

Just a weekend or a few days on the road? Feel free to use a few vacation days to combine the GetTogether with an extended bikepacking trip in the Black Forest! I promise you will love it here!

Your experience:

You may learn. It doesn’t matter whether you’re a newcomer or already experienced in bikepacking – you’re welcome, no matter what experience you bring with you! I would like to bring people who share a great love for bikepacking or who want to get to know them together in a special place to just have a good time with them – and here you alone count as a person (ergo: not your equipment, not your annual kilometers , not your experience, or or or)!

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