Big Bash Aragon

Do you want to see what this country has to offer? Do you want to get more kilometers out of your weekend in Aragon? Then, pack your tent and enjoy the beautiful scenery at your own pace or give it your best and try to finish the route at the best time. Big Bash is part of Border Bash Aragon Gravel Camp. We will welcome you to the Camp on Thursday, April 20, and we will party with you on Saturday night, April 22, 2023.

Vendelin-Ondrej Vesely - Head of sales and marketing - Monkey Brothers  s.r.o. | LinkedIn

All Big Bash riders will be baring a satellite tracker so your loved ones and the rest of us back in the camp can track your progress on Follow My Challenge. 

  • ​​240 km
  • 3916 hm ↗︎

​What is provided?

  • ​Two nights camping (Thursday & Saturday). You’ll be out riding through Friday night!
  • Friday and Sunday breakfast, Saturday Dinner

  • The route (a . GPX track to follow)

  • The finisher party includes dinner, a live band, and “Las Jotas” an original folk show.

  • Diploma for each finisher

What to bring?

  • A bike suitable for the mixed-surface road & gravel event
  • Helmet (mandatory)

  • GPS devise. You will need it to follow the route

  • Powerbank or additional battery backup

  • All necessary items to be self-sufficient on the route. Stuff like tools & spares, a pump, tubes, patches, chain link, etc. This is a self-supported ride!

  • Lights with plenty of juice to get you through the night. Sunset is 8:50 PM, and sunrise at 7:11 AM.

  • Tent and sleeping bag, sleeping mat

  • Personal items


Border Bash Aragon Gravel Camp 2023, una experiencia única para disfrutar  del Gravel -

Click here to see more inspiring European gravel events

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Event Details
  • Start Date
    April 20, 2023 3:00 pm
  • End Date
    April 22, 2023 11:00 pm
  • Status
  • Location
  • Address
    Camping Cañones de Guara Formiga, A-1227 KM 22, 22141 Panzano, Huesca, Spain

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