Pan Celtic Gravel Rally

The Pan Celtic Gravel Rally

This race is an exciting and challenging cycling event that takes place annually in the Celtic nations of Scotland, Ireland, Wales, Cornwall, Brittany, and the Isle of Man. This multi-day event covers a distance of over 1000km, with participants riding through some of the most stunning landscapes in Europe.

What sets the Pan Celtic Cycling Gravel Rally apart from other cycling events is the terrain on which it is held. The course takes riders off-road, onto gravel tracks, dirt trails, and forest paths, with participants tackling steep climbs and fast descents as they make their way through the countryside. This means that the event is not only physically challenging but also requires a high level of skill and bike handling ability.

The event is open to riders of all abilities, with categories for solo riders, pairs, and teams of four. Participants must be over 18 years old and have a suitable level of fitness and experience to complete the challenging course. The event is fully supported, with rest stops and checkpoints along the way, as well as medical and mechanical assistance if required.

The Pan Celtic Cycling Gravel Rally is more than just a cycling event, it’s an opportunity to explore the rich culture and history of the Celtic nations. Riders pass through ancient landscapes, rugged coastlines, and charming villages, experiencing the unique character of each nation along the way. The event also offers a chance to sample the local cuisine and enjoy the hospitality of the Celtic people.

The first Pan Celtic Cycling Gravel Rally took place in 2019, and it has quickly become one of the most popular cycling events in Europe. The event is held annually in September, with the starting location rotating between the Celtic nations each year. The 2022 event is scheduled to take place in Cornwall, and promises to be another unforgettable experience for participants.

In conclusion, the Pan Celtic Cycling Gravel Rally is a must-do event for any keen cyclist looking for a challenge and an adventure. It offers a unique opportunity to explore the stunning landscapes and rich cultures of the Celtic nations, while testing your physical and mental limits on some of the most challenging terrain in Europe. So why not sign up and experience the Pan Celtic Cycling Gravel Rally for yourself? You won’t regret it!

Click here to visit the Pan Celtic event page

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